She Puts Her Baby In The Cot When She Notices THIS Horrifying Danger Hiding Right Under Her Nose

As a parent, we always strive to provide the best for our children. We want to protect them at all costs, and I will never forget the worry I went through when my children were in their cot. One of my kids, in particular, was really bad at throwing herself about. She would be sleeping soundly and then roll over at what always seemed a huge speed, and would then crash her head or arms into the side of the cot.

This always concerned me, the last thing I wanted was for her to damage her head or break an arm, but I struggled to find alternatives. The other option which thank goodness I didn’t ever consider was that of padded bumpers. The idea behind this product is to protect your baby from the very fear that I just described. In effect, these are supposed to be shock absorbers that prevent the baby from hurting itself when it performs one of the aforementioned rolls.

The problem is that babies are not as strong as children or adults and as a consequence can get themselves into predicaments which could prove catastrophic. If the bumpers are too soft for instance then there is a serious risk they could suffocate, whilst bumpers that are too hard give the baby a platform to climb up on and then potentially fall out of the cot. Please watch the video below and then share with everyone you know. These bumpers are very dangerous pieces of equipment that need to be banned, but until they are all parents need to be aware of the dangers of a product they are buying to protect their baby. How ironic is that?

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