Having Trouble Sleeping? Try This Home Made Cloud Lamp It’s Beautiful

There are so many people who suffer from sleepless nights, and of course, it doesn’t just affect you, your poor partner also has to suffer as you toss and turn trying to get asleep.
You could try sleeping pills or other strategies, but all medication has some side effects, and if we could come up with a solution that solved the problem without resorting to medication that could be perfect.

The idea behind this lovely cloud lamp is to give you some nice relaxing ambient light. The soft colours bask the room in a lovely glow and hopefully should ease you gently into a relaxing sleep.

And even if you and your partner are sleeping really well, this could be a lovely solution for a child who is scared of the dark. It’s almost like giving them a night light, but without the embarrassment of calling it such a thing, which for older children may actually be quite embarrassing. The video below will walk you through step by step how to create this visual masterpiece, and I honestly feel your children will be really grateful and love their special cloud light. Let us know their reactions in the comments below.

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