Kids Can’t Get Enough Of Slime. Get Them Motivated With Their Very Own Unique Rainbow Variety

If there are two things that kids simply adore it is slime and bright colours. Back since toys were invented all kids seem to be attracted to slime, like a mouse to cheese.Slime has become even more popular today and is actually a great way to get your kids motivated into playing with real toys and off their games consoles or away from the television.

And if you add in bright rainbow style colours you have basically got the perfect equipment to engage your child.
So once you have watched this video and followed the instructions you will be the best mum or dad, nan or grandad your kids know, plus you will get extra cool points.

And the thing about this is, really it’s as simple as pie to complete. All you really require in terms of ingredients are the slime in various rainbow colours and some syringes. Then with a bit of creative art and some mixing, you will have completed your mission. Whilst it may not be the most delightful substance to handle, anything this inexpensive that brings a smile to your kids faces has got to be worth it. And it really is so simple that you could easily get the kids involved in making it and have a great family fun packed day. Watch the video below and start to let your imagination flow.

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