Make Your Own Frost Free Snow Easily At Home

There are plenty of reasons why we may love winter but perhaps one that is close to most of our hearts is snow. For many of us, growing up in a cold part of the world produced a lot of fun outdoors, from sledding and snowball fights to building snowmen. At some point or another, we may have moved to a warmer climate or perhaps we have always been in a warmer area. That doesn’t mean that you have to live without snow.

Regardless of whether you have seen snow in your life or not, you would have to agree that it is beautiful. For some of us, the beauty only comes in the form of pictures but now, you can make your own snow at home and it is totally frost free. You won’t be able to make cold snowballs out of it but you can use it for some playtime with the children or for some awesome winter decoration.

The video below shows how to make snow and you might be surprised with exactly how easy it is to do. You only need a large bowl, some baking soda and white hair conditioner. Before you know it, you’ll be having fun with the white stuff.

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