Turn You Garage Into More Than Just A Dumping Ground Or Car Park, You Will Be Shocked At This Simple Solution

When you sit down and contemplate the size and space of our garages, and what we actually use them for, you begin to realise that in terms of bang for the buck we don’t actually get a great deal of value from garages. In most instances, they sit empty or crammed full of junk that we will probably never use again. But if utilised properly, you can actually turn your garage into an extra room, for family use, as and when you need it, whilst still retaining it as a garage.

In other words, this brilliant invention means you can use your garage for a party or to enjoy the sun, without having any permanent expensive renovations made. In essence, this is a moveable screen that resides most of the time in the roof of the garage. When the sun comes out and you want to sit in your garage enjoying the weather, you simply slide this screen into position to give you some privacy and protection from flies and other insects.

As you can see from the video the screen has its own door and is very lightweight and easy to manoeuvre into position. Watch the video and see if it sparks your imagination and gets you some more use from your garage.

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