The Best Educational Makeup Video You Will Ever Watch

It is so difficult these days learning how to apply your makeup just right. Some girls seem to be able to do their makeup like a professional whilst others would probably be best advised not to use makeup at all. That is not said in a nasty or horrible way, I certainly don’t consider myself an expert, but I have seen a few makeup disasters on my travels, and I am certain I am not alone in saying that.

Sometimes Youtube can be a wonderful place to start, but on most occasions the videos either go through their tips too quickly for anyone to follow, or they don’t really explain why a certain way of applying makeup works for one person or face shape, but not another.

That’s why this video is really well done and hopefully educational for our readers. Stephanie Lange splits her face in half and applies makeup the right and the wrong way to demonstrate the mistakes and teach us how to do things properly. Whilst normal rules of teaching would advise never to teach the wrong way of doing something I feel that in this instance there is an excellent reason for doing so, and I for one learned quite a few little tips.

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