Simple Hospital Trick for Removing Stuck Rings

It happens to most of us at some time or another. We either put on a little bit of weight or our fingers are swollen and suddenly, our ring is stuck to our finger and it will come off, no matter what we try. We may try putting butter on our finger or perhaps even WD-40, but those methods are not always going to produce the results that you need.

If you have ever struggled with having a ring stuck on your finger before, there is hope to remove it again. As a matter of fact, this simple Hospital trick is something that you will love knowing, because it works great and it works every time.

For this tip, you need to grab an elastic band. You then continuously wrap the band tightly around your finger, moving toward the ring and over the knuckle as you go. After you get to the ring, slip the ring over the elastic and then begin unwinding it. You would be amazed with how easily this works, and it works almost every time. In fact, it is the method that many doctors use for removing stuck rings.

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