After You Read This You Will Always Wash New Clothes Prior To Wearing Them

We ladies love to go out clothes shopping as often as we can. There is just something special about the whole experience from trying clothes on, to spending fun time with friends, and then the thrill and excitement of buying something that you know you look truly wonderful in.

So what happens when you finally get home? You obviously want to show your new purchases to your partner, maybe model them, and get that special feeling all over again. But have you ever considered how clean those clothes are? Sure they are brand new but then again they have also been hanging up in the store. Other people have been trying them on, and we have no idea what their particular hygiene is like.

In the video below which really shocked me a company tested some new and old clothing. Bacteria were discovered on every single item, with the exception of one pair of second-hand shoes. Even more concerning, one of those items was a brand new pair of ladies underwear. The other thing to consider which had never occurred to me was that all clothes are treated in the factory with certain chemicals to prevent bacterial growth. One of those chemicals is formaldehyde, so that is yet another reason to wash your clothes prior to wearing them for the first time. Watch the video for the full shocking story.

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