Here Is How To Bring The Shine Back To Your Glasses Once Again

This tip will certainly be of benefit to me in later life, but not in the foreseeable future, as no glasses in our household ever seem to last long enough to go cloudy, the kids take care of that on an almost daily basis or so it seems.

But back in my PC days (Pre-Children) my partner and I had loads of glasses which were perfectly useable but had gone cloudy over time. These were the glasses that we used for ourselves, too embarrassed to bring them out when friends or family were visiting, but seeing no reason whatsoever to throw away perfectly good and usable glasses.

Perhaps if we had known about this wonderful tip we could have made the glasses nice and shiny again. For those readers lucky enough to have dishwashers, this tip is dishwasher friendly or like us poor people, you could always use the manual method. The simple and easy solution to getting rid of those cloudy glasses is to use our tried and trusted friend vinegar. The video below will walk you through the simple steps, and before long all the glasses in your house will be sparkling again, and you will be proud to invite friends and family over for a barbeque without worrying about your glasses.

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