Think That Padlocks Are A Good Security Measure? You Might Want To Reconsider

These type of video always leave me a little concerned, should I publicise it, and potentially risk exposing security flaws, but on the other hand, the likelihood is that most bad guys are very well aware of these weaknesses, and probably use them to prey on people who think they had done everything possible to protect their valuables.

The security measure under discussion today is the humble padlock. I will admit to thinking in the past that perhaps the padlock wasn’t the most secure device ever invented but I had absolutely no idea just how weak and easily damaged they actually are.

As the video will demonstrate all you really need is two spanners. The spanners are placed beside each other with one part of the padlock between the jaws of the spanner. As the two spanners are then rotated the pressure created obviously breaks at the weakest point. As you might have guessed that weak point is the corner of the padlock and literally within seconds of the pressure being applied the padlock is broken and your valuables would be at risk. It is worth watching this video and then reconsidering your security options. Once you have the knowledge you are in a much better position to keep your valuables safe.

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