Dad Builds An Incredible Hidden Pool In His Yard

What do you plan on doing this summer? Many families will take off on some sort of vacation, others will take advantage of the warm weather around their home. One thing that will be a summertime pastime for many families will be swimming, as it helps us to stay cool when the weather is hot and at the same time, it is loads of fun. Of course, some families have the advantage because they have a pool in their yard and once you see this video, you may just have one as well.

Whin this father looked out in his yard, he didn’t see a lawn, he saw a blank canvas. He decided to do a project that goes beyond what most people would call a DIY and borders on epic. He built a hidden pool in his yard, but he didn’t hide it under a deck, he hid it under grass.

When you first see this yard, you might not know that the grass isn’t real. You certainly wouldn’t think there was a pool underneath it but just wait until you see what happens next.

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