Totally Different Way To Fasten A Necktie, If You Have Ever Struggled This May Be The Method That Suits You

The art of learning how to tie a necktie is almost a right of passage from child to manhood. And even men of forty years of age can still struggle with this everyday skill. You don’t want to have a really short tie but likewise, you don’t want a long thin tail. In a world where presentation is everything learning how to do this everyday task will both benefit your job prospects, and decrease your stress. Whilst that may sound like a bit of an overstatement, the tie is probably the male version of a female’s makeup, get it right and you look amazing, get it wrong and you can look scruffy and careless.

Like most life skills, there is always more than one method of doing something and putting on a necktie is no different. When you initially watch the video below, you may think that this is a highly complicated method but like most things practise makes perfect. Take your time and watch the video, following the steps slowly until you have got it perfected.

It may actually be easier as a tool to teach your son’s with, due to them having no preconceived ideas about how to do it.But give this method a try and see what you think. We look forward to reading your comments.

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