Feeling A Little Down, You Need To Eat Some Pickles

You may have heard the saying ” You are what you eat” or heard about other people who are depressed and fed up with life, comfort eating. Now whilst I am not endorsing comfort eating there is now some serious scientific evidence to show that, depending on what you eat, it can actually have a positive, or a negative effect on your emotional well-being.

Any naturally fermented foods such as pickles for example, actively relieve anxiety, which by conclusion gives your body a greater experience of joy and well-being. This is known scientifically as the “anxiolytic effect”

According to a report in the “Smithsonian Magazine”, both neurosis and anxiety can be indirectly altered by consuming fermented foods. Scientific investigations have shown that eating the fermented foods mentioned above, have a significant effect in reducing social anxiety. This video below does a far superior job than I ever could of explaining why and how this actually works. If you are feeling a little down, or even have a tendency to, from time to time, invest five minutes in yourself and this video and learn how to help yourself. After all, what have you got to lose? And on the flip side, there are huge potential upsides if this does work as expected for you. We genuinely hope this benefits you.

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