When you make you own flower display, you have significantly more options. As you are in charge of the design, the colour and even the size you can end up with exactly the look you required, and provided you follow this remarkably easy method, you will and can have a big and colourful display in no time at all. The cost of the supplies is minimal, and the finished product is stunning and sure to gain admiring glances and comments.
To start with you will need Q-Tips, a Styrofoam ball, some fake flowers and some food colouring. Start by cutting the Q-tips in half. If you cut them perfectly in half then you can use both ends of the Q-tips, but that will limit the size of your flower. If you cut one end really short, the other end will let you make larger flowers, allowing you to make a more realistic bunch of varying size and shape.
Now the fun begins, push the cut Q-tips into the ball ensuring that they are nicely spaced. Ensure you push the Q-tips in a uniform depth, so you end up with a nice circular shape. Now simply experiment with food colouring and water to create the colour of your choice. Then simply swirl the ball around in the mixture to ensure every q-tip soaks up your colour, Bear in mind that when they dry out the colour will lighten slightly. You now have your beautiful and totally unique Q-tip flowers, and you don’t even need to remember to water them.