Blinds The Potentially Secret Silent Killer Lurking In Full View In Your Home

As every parent knows tragedy can strike at any moment. Within your own home, with stair gates, locks on cupboards and every possible safety measure you can think of in place, there are still risks you need to be aware of.

If things had turned out any differently for this family their 17-year-old son wouldn’t have been alive today. He very nearly wasn’t. His mother was videoing her friends twin babies when she turned around to replace a phone they had knocked off the hook. To her horror and all captured in the video, she saw her son suffocating on the blinds string.

Unbeknownst to her, he had been playing with the string and got himself caught up on it. Thankfully his father was able to revive him and as mentioned before he is now a healthy 17-year-old with no memory of the event. We publicise this video to warn others of the dangers of blinds. Walmart, Home Depot and Lowe’s have announced that they will be stopping selling these type of blinds, but that won’t help anyone that already has them installed. Please share this video with all your friends and raise awareness.

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