Watching This Video Could Save Your Child’s Life

As soon as your new son or daughter are born, they instantly become the most important thing in your life. Totally reliant on you for everything, from food to shelter, every parent wants to do their best for their child. We all spend a fortune on buying new clothes, cots and hundreds of other items, but perhaps the most important of all is the humble car seat.

All car seats have to go through specific safety testing prior to being allowed to be sold, but the main issue with all car seats is not the product themselves, it is how they are fitted. And in the majority of occasions, it is the parent who might make one simple little mistake that is the reason why the seat fails when it is needed most.

Ideally, although not always possible, your child should be rear facing for the first two years of their life. When a car is hit from behind and the seat is rear facing, the baby is simply pushed back into its own seat, which puts very little stress on their neck. When a baby is forward facing their head which is by far the heaviest part of their body is thrown forward causing a serious risk of neck injury. Watch the video below detailing a young mother whose child died, due to an incorrectly fitted child seat.

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